Registry Easy 5 6 Portable : Information Security Suggestions For The Organization : 1oss of life and injury 2oss of shareholder confidence 3nterruption of business processes 4inancial loss 5oss of client confidence 6riminal charges 7rand and reputation damage 8itigationGeneral statement of information security policy information and its supporting processes, systems, and networks should be available to employees (and authorized third parties) to enable them to optimize their performancenformation must be subject to an appropriate level of control to protect it from loss, unauthorized manipulation or disclosurebjectives of information security standard policy:1vailability: To ensure that authorized users have access to information and its supporting processes, systems and networks when requiredntegrity: To Safeguard the accuracy and completeness of information and associated processing approachsonfidentiality: To ensure that information is accessible to only those authorized to have accessurpose of information security po ... [Read More @ Registry Easy 5 6 Portable]
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